Plain Packed Coho Salmon

Plain Packed Coho 1 Can
Plain Packed Coho 3 Cans
Plain Packed Coho 6 Cans
Plain Packed Coho 12 Cans
Plain Packed Coho Pile
Plain Packed Coho 1 Can
Plain Packed Coho 3 Cans
Plain Packed Coho 6 Cans
Plain Packed Coho 12 Cans
Plain Packed Coho Pile

This is not smoked; it is just pure wild Alaska coho preserved at peak freshness in a can with nothing but a pinch of salt. Often overlooked due to late-season timing, coho are the fishermen’s favorite winter home pack. 

And just to drive the point home: no smoke, just fish and a pinch of salt. Got it? Good.

Tasting notes: Genuine, salt-seasoned Alaska coho, nestled in its own hallmark lighter-than-sockeye flavor. If you love a milder wild salmon variety, this is your move. And just to be crystal clear: this is not smoked!

Serve it up: Perfect for everyday eating; toss in salads, dips & spreads, or your go-to comfort casserole.

Source: Southeast Alaska

Harvest: Troll-caught (Hook & Line)

Ingredients: Coho salmon, salt

Size: 6oz 

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